Self-realization is the only objective of the spiritual practices suggested by Guru Harideva. But Self-realization is the subject matter of discussion of the Vedanta, that is, the knowledge section of the Vedas. It is not possible for common people like us to enter into those complicated explanations contained in the Vedanta. For this reason Guru Harideva preaches his spiritual teachings on the basis of Bhagavata. According to him the Bhagavata contains simplified gist of the complicated topics discussed in the Vedanta. Also, to bring the complicated knowledge pertaining to self-realization to the reach of the understanding capacity of common people, the spiritual theories contained in the Vedanta are discussed in various different ways in the Bhagavata. After going through those discussions common people can easily understand what is self- realization and how to attain self- realization . Moreover, in Bhagavata the subject is made clear through elaborate life-stories of many self-realized personalities of different times. Based on those simplified explanations Guru Harideva tells that God has created our body with so many organs of various types. There are gross organs from head to toe. Mind, intelligence, senses etc. are inner subtle organs of the body. Every organ of our body can be purified by engaging the activities of each of them in the service of God. For example, we can engage our feet to move for collection of flowers and other essential items for worship of God. Similarly, by hand we can collect and offer our offerings to God, through eyes we can see the deity of God, through ear we can hear about God, through speech we can pray to God, through mind we can meditate upon God and so on . Guru Harideva suggests that if one comes to the Sharana or shelter of Lord Krishna and engages the activities of his whole body in the service of God as above, then his attachment with his own body gradually decreases and finally he attains self- realization or spiritual perfection.(to be continued)
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